Tuesday, December 3, 2019



Implementation Report

Teacher Interview

Keystone Lesson Plan

Week 12 Assignment 1

After playing a bit with Glogster I see that it has amazing potential as a tool for ELA classroom instruction. I think that students would have so much fun building and creating on the site. Glogster is a awesome site that can be used on computers or tablets. I think an assignment that would be especially engaging is allowing students to create their own movie poster and then have them write a synopsis for their movie and have them share it with the class

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Week 11 Assignment 1

In the article, “Using Voicethread to Promote Learning Engagement and Success for All Students, the authors talk about how using voicethread with students in a variety of different ways and over various different subjects. They talk about how to use voicethread for language arts by using it as a prewriting exercise The teacher can use voicethread to create a start to a writing topic. Voicethread could also help with science by adding a visual to different activities. Students can also create voice threads of their own to create something creative.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Who is Mercer Mayer?


Week 6 Assignment 2.1

 In the article, Middle School Science Teachers’ Confidence and Pedagogical Practice of New Literacies, the authors discuss that in this current time in order for students to be fully literate they must become proficient in the literacies of  twenty first century technologies. The article also talks about the importance of allowing students and teachers to have access to these new literacies so that they can further drive science instruction using technology. 

The article, Using Social Networking Sites to Facilitate Teaching and Learning in the Science Classroom discusses using social networking tools to enhance the learning in a science classroom. The article talks about the class using programs like Edmodo and other platforms in order to create a virtual classroom that contains all the resources they may need.

Week 9 Assignment 1

The Impact of Using Blogs on College Students' Reading Comprehension and Learning Motivation discusses how technology has a large impact on keeping students interested and wanting to take part in the lessons but the teachers are struggling to utilize the technology in the best way. Teachers need more professional development and constant education when it comes to the changes in technology. 

Teachers have been using blogging as a way to showcase student work and to preserve teaching material but they have found that blogging it's self does not increase student score. However student are more engaged in the work when blogging is involved. 

Monday, October 21, 2019

Week 7 Assignment 1

Theories and Practice of Multimodal Education: The Instructional Dynamics of Picture Books and Primary Classrooms.

 Multimodal education is an approach to classroom learning that use various forms of media, including print, audio and images and combines all of these things to create a learning environment that is more engaging to the students. The article talks about how educators should not look at multimodal education as shying away from traditional literacy learning practices but instead as an enhancement on what was already previously being done by including new technologies and images.

Using the ADDIE Model to Design Second Life Activities for Online Learners.

Second Life is a 3D virtual environment that allows it's users to interact with others while also creating the world around them. In it's creation this platform was for recreation but is now being used as a teaching tool for online learners. Second Life allows teachers to develop worlds that their students can explore and tasks to help student to solve problems. Second Life also allows for closer collaboration in a class setting where their would normally be Minimal interaction.

Week 7 Assignment 2

I think Second Life is a great tool for learning, but I feel that it would need to be handled and taught in a certain way. Just over a I took a course that deep dove into the creation of virtual worlds for education. Through that course I was able to realize that virtual reality has a long way to go before it can fully sustain learning. However, there are a lot of cool ways that we as teachers can use it as a tool to teach our students about, the world and how to be a good digital citizen. Virtual learning is also great for students who may struggle with traditional classroom learning, this type of immersion is great for students who need an engaging and more personal type of learning.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Week 5 Assignment 2

I believe in providing students with as much exposure to technology as possible, the world is becoming more and more technologically advanced each and everyday and  it is important to give students all the building blocks need to fully understand the benefits of technology.

With this, I believe that games and games design is an effective way to spark student interest and to reach learners who may have a difficult time with traditional learning as well as providing incentives to learning. Many students already pay games in their personal lives so adding education to their gaming would only add more fun to their learning and students may be more inclined to self involve themselves with learning if presented in game form.

However, I think it is important as educators to make sure that the games we are providing our students with are of quality and speak to the interests of the students.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Week 4 Assignment 2


RI.4.3 Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text

Grade level 4

Common cores standards: RI.4.3 Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text

Learning outcomes: Students will use provided link to complete an interactive word search about the topic of a water cycle.

Instructional activities (How does this game help develop language acquisition and development, both oral and written?) This games helps students to get more practice remembering how to spell these words as well as the pronunciation of the words.

Assessment: Students will hand in a screenshot of the completed word search and the words will be on a spelling test.

Debriefing: The class will have a discussion about the words that were in the word search to drive home the meanings.

What cognitive skills does this game cultivate? The help with word recognition skills, they help students learn context clues and they help with spelling.

What new literacies does this game cultivate? This helps students navigate the computer and helps them with screen searching.

Week 4 Assignment 1

1. What gaming elements provide users the learning content and how? (Refer to the journal article page 4).

Visual-graphic elements: The game, sight word hopper using a fun visual of a colorful, little character who likes to jump in mud to keep students' attention.

Audio elements: There is narration that announces what word to find and fun sound effects.

What is the goal of the game?
 The goal of the game is to help students to correctly identify the sight words

3. What are the rules of playing this game? The rule is to find the right site works in order to move on or keep trying until you find the right one.

4. Does this game have any scenario design? (Refer to the journal article page 5.) If yes, is this a fabricated or embedded in curriculum-related content? Yes, this game has scenario design, I would say that this game is embedded.